Tuesday 9 August 2011

Konadus campaign team pleased with Mills concession to disunity and despondency within NDCba

Even though she lost heavily by the verdict of the people to lead the National Democratic Congress into the 2012 general election, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings’ contest, has forced President John Mills to concede that there are loopholes in the leadership of the party.

This is according to campaign coordinator, Namburr Berrick who addressed a news conference Wednedsday, 13th July 2011 at the premises of the 31st December Women’s Movement in Accra.

The conference was to correct what the team called “critical issues that occurred during the flag-bearership contest” in Sunyani over the weekend.

Nana Konadu managed to poll just three per cent of the total votes cast, however, Mr. Berrick said her bold decision rather made the president to publicly concede that the NDC was disintegrating as a result of “growing disunity, apathy and despondency”.

“Nonetheless, the delegates appear to have made a decision: a presidential candidate has been elected. One thing still remains unchanged: With the support of the founder and the grassroots, Nana Konadu, boldly and fearlessly stood up and challenged the denigration of party principles, the weakening of party structures and the dampening of the party’s revolutionary spirit. She boldly and fearlessly stood up and challenged the growing disunity, apathy and despondency resulting in the disintegration of our party”.

“The president has now openly and publicly conceded that these problems in fact exist. It took courage and a willingness to speak the truth in the face of ostracism and victimisation to exact that admission. This is the victory of her stance of courage”, Mr Berrick told members of the press.

Citing a series of orchestrations that were meant to tilt the results of the elections, Namburr Berrick intimated that “despite this clear campaign of fear, we persevered, believing that, notwithstanding the negative tactics, the delegates would demonstrate a high level of courage and honour by making a choice based on the facts and principles that are clear for all to see,” however adding, “unfortunately, they had already been cowered into submission”.

Since the congress ended, Namburr Berrick disclosed that reports reaching members indicate that over 200 delegates were not given accreditation to enter the congress grounds which did not allow them to exercise their franchise.

He said opponents have discounted these allegations, especially, with regards to fear but stated categorically that those charges were “actual and real,’’ adding, “I can’t comprehend”.

Without stating categorically what is next for the former First Lady, Namburr Berrick called on the grassroots supporters “to keep faith” as the team will continue to champion their cause “in whatever shape or form”.

Story by Esther Brown/ Xfm 95.1/ Accra/ Ghana

Source: www.XfmnewsCenter.com - Ghana.

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