Tuesday 9 August 2011

African Leaders should learn from Norway’s attack-Ras Mubarakback

Mohammed Abdulai Mubarak alias Ras Mubarak, an activist of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) has called on all African leaders to listen to the sentiments of their people particularly the minority.

Mr. Mohammed made this call following Friday 22nd July bomb and gun attacks that killed at least 76 people in Norway.

Mr. Anders Breivik, the accused person, said the attack in the capital Oslo targeted buildings connected to Norway's Labour government, while the mass shooting occurred at an annual Labour Party youth camp on a small island, Utoeya.

According to the lawyer of the accused, Mr. Anders said he had wanted to inflict maximum damage on the party, which he accuses of failing the country on immigration.

Mr. Breivik, an anti-Muslim extremist, is currently facing terrorism charges and police are considering also charging him with crimes against humanity, which carry a possible 30-year sentence, a prosecutor said.

“There are a lot of lessons that we can learn from. I think we should not gloat over people’s sentiments because clearly this guy was someone who had pent-up feelings, pent-up emotions.

In spite of the fact that Norway is an open country and he could have expressed his feelings openly, he decide to take the law into his own hands and I think it gives us an opportunity for us in Africa, to start looking and accepting the views of people who are even in the minority, Ras Mubarak told XFM 95.1 FM”According to him, African leaders should open doors of dialogue to help people express their views openly adding that it is the only assured way to have people lives in harmony.

He urged leaders to live up to the promises they give to their people stressing that the high rate of migration is as a result of bad living conditions in their respective countries.

Ras Mubarak further advised all Africans living abroad to be extremely careful with the way they go about their day-to-day activities adding that natives of most European countries are worried about migrants who might take over their jobs.

Story by Ohenewaa Brown/Xfm 95.1/Accra/Ghana

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