Wednesday 24 August 2011

I am focused and will not be distracted by politics of personal destruction- Ras Mubarak back

Ras Mubarak, an NDC activist and aspiring Member of Parliament for Ablekuma North constituency has taken a swipe at the incumbent Member of Parliament for Ablekuma North Constituency, Justice Joe Appiah, over his comments that he (Ras Mubarak) is a joker, saying that he will not be distracted by comments from the opposition MP.

Justice Joe Appiah was reported to have described Ras Mubarak as a ‘joker’ and a failure by his association with the NDC because in his opinion he will have no message to sell to the electorates in the Ablekuma North constituency adding that he must not be considered as a serious politician by the public.

However, in a press statement copied to Xfm, Ras Mubarak opined that the recent attacks from the MP only betrays how the incumbent MP is gripped by “fear and panic” of losing the Ablekuma North constituency seat in the 2012 parliamentary election.

Ras Mubarak who picked his nomination forms yesterday, August 23, 2011, said instead of attacking his person, Hon Joe Appiah should rather be concerned with the criticisms and expressions of discontent about his performance from members of his own party in the constituency stressing that wading into his (Ras) intention to contest the NDC Ablekuma North Constituency primary wouldn’t be a solution to his predicaments.

According to Ras Mubarak, the MP has failed to deliver on his promises to the people of Ablekuma North and that should be his trouble rather than interfering in the affairs of others.

“He promised he was going to build a state of the art library for Ablekuma North, but has failed to deliver that, he promised to create wealth and jobs for the people of Ablekuma North. He has failed in that regard too”.

Ras Mubarak categorically stated that his objective is to win the primary and will not be distracted adding that, “no amount of name calling from the NPP MP will keep me off the message”.

Below is the full statement

For Immediate release

August 24, 2011
Recent attacks on my person by the opposition NPP MP for Ablekuma North, only betrays how he is gripped by “fear and panic” of losing the Ablekuma North constituency seat in the 2012 parliamentary election.
The beleaguered opposition MP, who is currently facing a barrage of criticisms and expressions of discontent about his performance from members of his own party in the constituency, has attempted to wade into my intention to contest the NDC Ablekuma North Constituency primary.
His description of my bid as a joke and calling me a joker does not surprise me at all. The opposition doesn’t like good news; and my bid is certainly good news not just to members of the NDC but to electorates in Ablekuma North who are looking for someone with the ability to bring new solutions to old problems.
I am not a parliamentary candidate of the NDC yet nor the only one in the NDC parliamentary primary, yet the sitting NPP MP decides the only way he can be heard is to call me names.
If the MP's record is anything to go by, he is the one who has failed to deliver. Before the last election, he promised his party he was going to deliver eighty thousand votes but merely managed forty five thousand, a performance considered by many as lost fortune compared to what his predecessor pulled in the 2004 parliamentary primary.
He also promised he was going to build a state of the art library for Ablekuma North, but has failed to deliver that too. He promised to create "wealth and jobs for the people of Ablekuma North." He has failed in that regard too.
He should tell us how many constituents have become wealthy as a result of his efforts since he became MP? How many people has he created jobs for and what kinds of jobs are they? And as if his failed promises are not bad enough, he is promising to win the next election by one hundred thousand votes.
I am focused on the mission and will not be distracted. My first objective is to win the primary and no amount of name calling from the NPP MP will keep me off the message.

I am motivated by the resilience and tenacity of residents in my constituency. They are showing fortitude, despite the stress and challenges they face with issues such as the perennial flooding, unacceptable interruption in energy supplies, armed robberies and youth unemployment amongst others.
The NPP MP rarely says anything in parliament or make invaluable contribution to debate in the House but was heard loud in his attacks on Citi FM. I pray he gathers the courage, to be as vocal about issues affecting Ghanaian families and specifically residents of Ablekuma North (when he is in parliament) as he was loud in attacking me.
Residents of Ablekuma North deserve better and the politics of personal destruction as practiced by Joe Appiah is not what will make a positive difference in their lives. If he is unable to help residents in the constituency, he should endeavor to sort out the confusion in his own party, as he is being accused as an imposed candidate.
He should also focus on adequately answering allegations leveled against him by his constituency executives, that he was sponsored by Hon. Kwamina Bartels with cash to win his party's primary and subsequently by the NPP flag bearer against the wishes of constituents.
The people of Ablekuma North will decide whether they want more of the same broken promises, or a Positive Difference in their lives. Until that time, Hon. Justice Joe Appiah should do his best to serve them well now.
I wish him well and pray that he will make the welfare of constituents the centerpiece of his public debate and spend his energies properly representing the good people of Ablekuma North.

Signed: Ras Mubarak (MP Aspirant, Ablekuma North)

Story by Brown Ohenewaa Esther/Xfm 95.1/Accra/Ghana

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