Tuesday 9 August 2011

Every individual counts in politics - Francis Brucebac

The Editor of the Moment Newspaper Mr. Francis Bruce says the leadership of the National Democratic Congress should be apprehensive about the defect of party members since every individual in the party counts.

‘‘If you lose one person in a political party you should be worried’’.

In an interview on XFM’s morning show The Big Bite, he said the banner headline of the Moment Newspaper ‘NDC MEMBERS FORM NEW PARTY’ should be of concern to the leaders of the NDC since the defect of party members will not utter well for the party come 2012.

According to him, information gathered by his reporter Fatima Abdul-Karim indicates that 300 stanch members of the NDC have defected to form a new party.

The Chairman of the ‘said party’ Alhaji Mamudu, according to the Moment Newspaper said the’ go slow’ nature of the Mills led government which had heightened poverty in the country during the last two years was among the reasons they defected from the party.

He (chairman of the new party) added that after his group toiled to help the NDC win the East Ayawaso and the Korle Klottey constituencies’ seats in 2008; there has been no improvement in their lives since President Mills assumed power.

The Chairman is said to have noted that the group would leak the NDC’s rigging plans to the NPP to make the 2012 polls free and fair, stressing ‘’if the polls are free and fair , the NDC doesn’t have a chance of winning’’

According to the Editor of the Moment Newspaper, grievances from members in the NDC is not only emanating from friends of Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings (FONKAR) but categorically stated that ‘there are people within the Professor Mills camp who also share the same grievances’.

Story by: Ohenewaa Brown/ XFM/ Accra/ Ghana

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